add pagination info to array.to_xml ? was updated by Mislav
Wednesday Jun 11
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named_scope and limited eager loading was updated by Mislav 05:03 AM ticket
has many :through causes "Stack level too deep error" was updated by Vince Wadhwani
Friday Jun 06
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has many :through causes "Stack level too deep error" was updated by Mislav 02:10 AM ticket
has many :through causes "Stack level too deep error" was updated by Vince Wadhwani
Thursday Jun 05
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has many :through causes "Stack level too deep error" was updated by Deleted User
Tuesday Jun 03
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named_scope and limited eager loading was created by Tekin 06:25 AM ticket
new feature: add pagination info to array.to_xml ? was updated by ycheng 06:23 AM ticket
new feature: add pagination info to array.to_xml ? was updated by ycheng 06:22 AM ticket
new feature: add pagination info to array.to_xml ? was updated by ycheng 06:20 AM ticket
new feature: add pagination info to a... was created by ycheng 06:18 AM ticket
has many :through causes "Stack level too deep error" was updated by Mislav 06:05 AM ticket
will_paginate appends more limits to already-limited sql was updated by Mislav
Thursday May 29
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will_paginate appends more limits to ... was created by Adrian 08:51 AM ticket
fixture_scenarios_builder: Building scenario kills migrations version was updated by Jeff Smick
Monday May 26
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Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Mislav
Friday May 23
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Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Denis Barushev 10:38 AM ticket
Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Ryan Bates 10:34 AM ticket
Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Mislav 08:47 AM ticket
Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Ryan Bates
Thursday May 22
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Ajax Supportwas updated by Clemens KoflerTuesday May 20
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Ajax Supportwas updated by Aketzu 10:57 PM ticket -
Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Denis Barushev
Monday May 19
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Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate gem don't work together was updated by Denis Barushev 05:03 AM ticket
Edge Rails and mislav-will_paginate g... was created by Denis Barushev 05:00 AM ticket
Will_paginate barfs in project with n... was created by ronin-20496 (at lighthouseapp)
Friday May 16
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Removing :include option from count query when it's possible was updated by Mislav 04:03 AM ticket
Removing :include option from count query when it's possible was updated by Denis Barushev 03:48 AM ticket
Removing :include option from count query when it's possible was updated by Mislav 03:27 AM ticket
has many :through causes "Stack level too deep error" was updated by Mislav 03:21 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid when using custom select and having was updated by Mislav 03:16 AM ticket
Will paginate causes exception when given non-numerical :pagewas updated by Mislav 03:06 AM ticket -
has many :through causes "Stack level... was created by iamjwc (at gmail)
Thursday May 15
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[PATCH] Removing :include option from count query when it's possible was updated by Denis Barushev 12:02 PM ticket
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid when ... was created by asherwood
Wednesday May 14
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protected method `url_for' called for LinkRendererwas updated by Steen LehmannWednesday May 07
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will_paginate causing SystemStackError on has_many :through associations was updated by Patrick
Tuesday May 06
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Sake not working with JRuby was created by Tim Dysinger
Monday May 05
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will_paginate causing SystemStackError on has_many :through associations was updated by E. James O'Kelly
Sunday May 04
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will_paginate causing SystemStackErro... was created by Patrick
Friday May 02
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Don't remove schema_migrations on Rai... was created by Andrew Bennett
Wednesday Apr 30
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Can't connect to host 'errtheblog.com... was created by Elliott Blatt
Tuesday Apr 29
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:find_by with cache_fu was created by Lee Iverson
Monday Apr 28
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ignore bad page numberswas updated by MislavSaturday Apr 26
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Tests seem to be broken was created by Allan Cochrane
Thursday Apr 24
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Task Body Missingwas updated by Don PetersenWednesday Apr 23
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Ajax Supportwas updated by Clemens KoflerTuesday Apr 22
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ignore bad page numbers was created by Michael Economy 12:41 AM ticket
protected method `url_for' called for LinkRendererwas updated by MislavSaturday Apr 19
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protected method `url_for' called for LinkRenderer was updated by Irfan Baig
Wednesday Apr 16
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