#232 ✓invalid

SystemStackError: stack level too deep

Reported by Jeannette | June 25th, 2008 @ 07:17 AM

Hi all,

I got this error on script/console is there any fix ? Below are print stack:

>> @p = Person.find(106)

=> #

>> @p.paper

=> [#, #, #, #.....]

>> @p.paper.size

=> 94

>> @p.paper.class

SystemStackError: stack level too deep

from /Users/jc/vendor/plugins/will_paginate/lib/will_paginate/finder.rb:138:in `method_missing_without_paginate'

from /Users/jc/vendor/plugins/will_paginate/lib/will_paginate/finder.rb:139:in `method_missing'

from (irb):3

my models associations:


has_many :author

has_many :paper :through => :author

my environment:

ruby -v ==> ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i686-darwin9.2.2]

rails -v ==> Rails 2.1.0

gem -v ==> 1.0.1

just Successfully installed mislav-will_paginate-2.3.2

Many thanks,


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