#111 ✓hold

Task Body Missing

Reported by Nate | September 14th, 2007 @ 04:13 AM

With no ~/.sake file, I run:

sake -i http://sakebar.railsrumble.com/s...

The resulting ~/.sake contains:

desc 'Launches the database shell using the values defined in config/database.yml'
task 'db:shell' => [ 'environment' ] do


I have tried:

  • Installing it from a local file
  • Installing it remotely
  • Using sudo
  • Restarting terminal
  • Installing many others remotely


  • Mac OS X 10.4.10 (8R2218) Intel
  • ruby 1.8.6 (installed through macports)
  • gem 0.9.4 (installed through macports
  • rake 0.7.3 (installed through rubygems)
  • sake 1.0.11 (installed through rubygems)
  • ruby2ruby 1.1.7 (installed through rubygems)

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Nate Sutton

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Chris Wanstrath

    Chris Wanstrath September 16th, 2007 @ 12:45 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “hold”
    $ sake -e http://sakebar.railsrumble.com/s...
    desc 'Launches the database shell using the values defined in config/database.yml'
    task 'db:shell' => [ 'environment' ] do
      config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[(RAILS_ENV or "development")]
      command = ""
      case config["adapter"]
      when "mysql" then
        (command << "mysql ")
        (command << "--host=#{(config["host"] or "localhost")} ")
        (command << "--port=#{(config["port"] or 3306)} ")
        (command << "--user=#{(config["username"] or "root")} ")
        (command << "--password=#{(config["password"] or "")} ")
        (command << config["database"])
      when "postgresql" then
        (command << "psql82 ")
        (command << "-h #{(config["host"] or "localhost")} ")
        (command << "-p #{(config["port"] or 5432)} ")
        (command << "-U #{(config["username"] or "postgres")} ")
        (command << config["database"])
        (command << "echo Unsupported database adapter: #{config["adapter"]}")

    Ruby 1.8.6 (macports)

    ruby2ruby 1.1.7

    rake 0.7.3

    sake 1.0.11

    This is very strange indeed. You may have to debug this on your own? I would start by printing the `tasks' variable set at line 234 of sake.rb. Run the URL you mentioned with -e and see what is in that variable.

  • Nate

    Nate November 21st, 2007 @ 09:24 PM

    It doesn't affect me now, and I never debugged it. So, since there's no way to recreate it you can probably close this. Oh, and where is sakebar now?

  • Brad Greenlee

    Brad Greenlee February 5th, 2008 @ 02:34 PM

    I was having the same problem. I fixed it by tweaking sake.rb to use the latest ParseTree (2.1.1) rather than 2.0.1.

  • Don Petersen

    Don Petersen April 23rd, 2008 @ 09:54 PM

    I tried to debug this myself, but I got pretty lost once it got into ruby2ruby. Bottom line, where you were expecting the task body, you got nothing. Big news flash, I know.

    I completely uninstalled ParseTree(I had versions 2.0.1, 2.0.2, and 2.1.1) and ruby2ruby(I had versions 1.1.7 and 1.1.8), and reinstalling them. Problem solved.

    For grins I tried reinstalling the old versions of those two gems to see if one triggered the issue, but I could never get it to break again.

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